Efficiency for paper manufacturers and printers
When it comes to printing and paper technology systems, the focus is on printing accuracy and high system availability. This is why specific requirements apply to drive solutions in this industry: stable and synchronized continuous drives are needed, and numerous axes have to be synchronized, too. This is a clear case for liquid-cooled servo motors and compact servo controllers by AMKmotion: not only do you get the reliable and durable drives you need for your application, you also benefit from efficient system design and compact switch cabinets with high output levels.
Our compact solutions allow efficient machine design and require a very small amount of space in the switch cabinet.
Our powerful motors with a wide velocity control range are durable and ensure high system availability.
Thanks to their modular design and plug & play capability, our electromechanical components can be installed quickly and easily.

DD synchronus servo motors

DD synchronus servo motors
Synchronous servo motors for cyclical positioning of small masses – modular and highly dynamic
KE/KW servo drive system

KE/KW servo drive system
The intelligent servo drive system KE/KW enables efficient use to be made of valuable installation space. AMKmotion`s sophisticated cooling technology ensures optimum heat dissipation and increases service life. This allows a saving of up to 50% by volume.
Experience and know-how

Experience and know-how
Ensuring technical excellence, cost-effectiveness and energy efficiency for your machine and plant projects